The Ego

The Ego – In a nutshell!!

(and briefly what it means for the human race)

Historically our 3 dimensional world has been set up to allow us to understand and know ourselves as individuals, separate from the collective consciousness.  We have lived in duality – meaning that where you have one thing – you will also have its opposite. 

For example:

·        Hot and cold

·        Up and down

·        Light and dark

·        Big and small etc., etc., etc.,

This is a very simplistic set up to allow us, as human beings, to experience what it is to be separate and individual. The other key component in this is the Ego. Often given a bad rap, the Ego is an essential part of living in a 3D world. It is the part of you that makes a comparison and looks at where you fit in to the picture. Where the Ego starts to become less than helpful, is when it then makes a judgement on that comparison.

For example:

  • I buy a really nice car. Its brand new, cost quite a lot of money and has got lots of gadgets on it. I’m really pleased with it and it looks a lot nicer than the car that the next door neighbour has in his drive, which I’m quietly happy about.

  • I come home one day and the neighbour on the other side of me has just bought a new car as well. Again his is brand new the same as mine, but he bought the sporty, convertible model that cost even more than mine. I know that it has even more gadgets on it and goes a lot faster than mine. I see it sat on his drive and not only am I jealous, but I actually don’t like my new car very much now. Even though it is better than the other neighbours, I’m no longer the one with the ‘best’ car.

  • Meanwhile, my neighbour with the older car is completely oblivious to our new cars. He comes out every morning and gets in to his car, that he has had for 10 years and thinks “what a great car I have. I’ve had it 10 years and its so reliable. I’m lucky I didn’t have to pay a whole load of money to buy a new car like my neighbours have had to.”

As you can see, from the challenges we are currently facing on our planet, its not a sophisticated or particularly helpful set up and is certainly not built for longevity.   This shouldn’t be seen as a negative though as where we are today, is exactly where we are meant to be. The human race has reached a crisis point. We can no longer continue with the 3 dimensional duality and one of two things can happen.

  • We realise this and raise our vibration and embrace a whole new way of being that will not be driven by the Ego. We will transcend the ego and live much more harmoniously, with one another and the planet.


  • We continue as we are and eventually there will be more natural disasters and more pandemics until this human race is extinct, as has happened to many other species. What we have done to the planet is saddening but we need to understand that it is not the planet that is in crisis, it is the human race. The planet may not be in a very good state, but it will look after itself and whatever it is that is causing the issue and imbalance will be removed.

So, we have a window of opportunity. We are now well in to the new energy of the Aquarian age and things are moving really quickly. We are moving away from the duality and the need to understand ourselves as being separate from one another. We now need to remember our connection with one another and we are now moving towards unity and the understanding that we are all connected and therefore what one of us does, affects everyone else. We are part of the same consciousness.

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