about this site - what this website is about

about this site

what this website is about

What this website is about 

It is designed to be a no-nonsense, easy to understand, information hub for those on their spiritual path, whether they are just discovering it or whether they have been consciously following it for some time.

Some important things to note:

  • Your spiritual path is not linear.  You don't start with the easy stuff and then move forward getting gradually harder.  Everything is what it is and will happen when it happens. 

  • Don't attach any value to anything to use as a comparison - spiritual or otherwise.  Don't look at others and think that they are 'more spiritual' or further along than you, that is an illusion - more about this elsewhere in the site.

  • Your life in this 3 dimensional world is a gift.  It is our playground and the place where we can experience many things.  There is a bigger picture - more about this elsewhere in the site too.

  • Lastly, there are so many important things to note, I cannot write them all here.  This website is a constantly evolving piece of work and I will be adding to it all the time, as my understanding deepens and my level of consciousness raises it's vibration.

So, lots more about how we navigate this life and answers to the big questions like:

  • Why are there so many wars?
  • Why is there so much suffering?
  • What on earth is happening to the world and where is it going?

Be aware of your thoughts.  They become your life...

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